Dionysus was highly revered as a god by the Greeks, among his many capabilities and possessions was the gift of wine. In many cultures around the world, alcohol has always been recognized as a gift from the gods to humans in the different forms they are found. In our time, scientists churn out research after research buttressing the benefits of drinking this beverage or clearly warning us on its dangers. It seems to me that although it is very unlikely that there are two camps on this matter probably incited by issues which surpass the pros and cons of having a few drinks with your friends regularly, alcohol is surely good for your thinking and for your heart; but before you gulp your large pint of beer with a cracking smile, you need to know a few things.
What is defined as moderate consumption? An interesting link between the brain’s immune system and alcohol consuming behaviour has just been discovered in Adelaide-the brain’s desire to consume alcohol in the evening. The PhD student who discovered it says “Alcohol is the world’s most commonly consumed drug, and there is a greater need than ever to understand the biological mechanisms that drive our need to drink alcohol,” says lead author Jon Jacobsen, PhD student in the University of Adelaide’s Discipline of Pharmacology.
He further stated that “Our body’s circadian rhythms affect the ‘reward’ signals we receive in the brain from drug-related behaviour, and the peak time for this reward typically occurs during the evening, or dark phase. We wanted to test what the role of the brain’s immune system might have on that reward, and whether or not we could switch it off.”If your reasons for drinking alcohol is to lose certain inhibitions, you might end up on the wrong side of the law when you wake up from your alcohol induced half-slumber. This is an abhorable act. You should avoid putting yourself between the devil’s pincers. Moderate consumption of alcohol comes with a lot of good rewards just as excessive consumption could melt you down-literally. In summary, you should think twice or maybe thrice before you dance to Dionysus’ tune.