I hear people have a lot of plans on this rock of a planet to build more structures in order to wall themselves in from their fellow species. I came here to see how this good ol’ lady, the Berlin wall, is doing so that I can always have her in my mind for keeps depending on which side of the wall they end up fencing people in. If living within walls is not so bad, why people tore this one down many years ago with their bare hands is clearly still surprising to many people even with all the good history available. You know, amorous lovers, blood bonded family, bosom friends and kindergarten fellows just love to chit-chat with each other over massive walls after it is decided for them what side of the wall they should belong to. Try speaking to a wall and find out how awesome the rhythm of your voice sounds against a wall of bricks. I did. If you listen well enough, these remaining old pieces of wall hold the answers to so many social issues today. I hope that we would be able to build walls and not bridges in health and social development.
Germany continues to emulate the strength of the human spirit. Thank you Berlin for your genuine warmth and reception.
As humans, our inherent weakness is not a curse as many would have you believe. It is because we are weak that we can be strong. Therefore, we must welcome our shared weakness, for it is the well spring of our strength. For though we may be burnt in our efforts to preserve the honor and dignity of life, from the same ashes, we will rise as a Phoenix. It does not matter how long this scorch lasts. That’s why a Phoenix lives forever. Take a glimpse at the human condition. Yes, indeed it is deplorable that as a species we fail to show love to each other, we kill each other over resources and sell ourselves out for selfish gains. But, no, our strength yearns to come alive. This is why we struggle for peace. Why should peace be a thing to fight for anyway? A faithful student of nature knows that there is no struggle for peace. Peace can only be welcomed in the heart. It abounds around us all. It is free. The restlessness of humans can continue to the ends of the universe. Those that thrive on hate in various guises should keep up the game. If those who pursue peace receive it themselves first, nature’s patience will bring that day when the world will truly stand as one even if we are no longer here. You can launch your nuclear warheads now, just make sure you do not give me the codes to yours!