Beautiful dirty planet

by Oche Itodo

The most important possession that we share- the biosphere, has been under threat since humans left their caves thousands of years ago. Humans contribute to the health of the planet and also its wealth through our daily activities . This time, rather than continuing this spate of nonchalant destruction of life, we have to take control of where our planet is headed by reflecting on the past errors that we have made. Many of us think that the earth as it is reshaped for our dwelling. We forget that human activities have forged crevices on our piece of rock within the solar system, we have made forests sprout when our motivation was high but we have also neutralized acres of natural forests in search of dwelling or wealth.

Original humans

While we frustrate the living organism that is the earth with our activities, we should remember that it is the only place we can stand on two feet and breathe whatever fresh air we can get. If you think of the planet as your mother, it might help you to pay more respect to it and reduce the destruction that we are the authors of.

I am not condemning all human activities and painting us all bad. There are activities that are necessary for our survival and the earth is replete with resources to cater for us. What I am intolerant to is the industrial scale with which we churn out products we do not need emanating from the insatiable greed that has been kick started just like in Dante’s inferno. If the earth is to survive until the sun goes off like a grilled light bulb, every human must understand how it works; this is no two way equation. We get the results of our activities on earth as clean and healthy cities and villages or we get puke inducing industrial housing estates which leaves us  “happy” in the little cages that we call our homes while we side step, turn a blind eye, and wear a face mask to avoid the pollution that stinks from around us.

We simply ought to do the right things always as custodians of this planet. If everything goes well, the following years should emphasize a clean green planet as the contrary is really becoming unbearable for many nations especially in emerging economies where the battle is multifaceted. These countries need all the support that can be offered to boost their awareness and action on maintaining our one beautiful planet.

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